Power Styling: Futuristic Power Structure Concept Book
In 1964 United States Steel called upon the nation’s electric utility companies to reconsider the current look of our power stations and transmission towers to be both functional and beautiful. Two years later, Henry Dreyfuss and Associates were commissioned to investigate possible design alternatives, and I believe they were documented in a book entitled “Power Styling” which was produced by United States Steel in the mid-to-late 1960s. I discovered a copy not long ago, and the inside illustrations are absolutely amazing. Unfortunately, there is very little information listed, so I can’t say for sure if the concepts belong to Henry Dreyfuss and his team. I contacted the office of Syd Mead, who did several illustration projects for US Steel, to confirm the artwork, and sadly he was unfamiliar with this piece. If anyone has information on the Power Stylings project or the mysterious illustrator, please drop a note in the comments.
More images after the jump. Don’t miss this one!
This could double as a giant floor lamp. I’d buy one!
Here’s the introduction to the concepts:
“The problem of locating electric power structures and lines is becoming increasingly difficult. The public is sensitive to and critical of the appearance of such facilities which traditionally have been designed on a function-reliability-safety-initial low cost basis with little consideration given aesthetics. Remedial measures taken during or after erection are usually of limited success and costly.
“POWER STYLING” combines structural form and aesthetic expression in the design of electric power installations by establishing appearance as a major requirement during the initial stage. In this way, more attractive installations can be developed without sacrifice of safety or reliability-often at lower overall cost.
Some of the concepts illustrated are improvements over today’s practices while others are based on technology which may not develop for many years to come. These are presented as stimulation to those responsible for designing, planning and operating electric systems.”
Also worth checking: Syd Mead Concepts
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Tags1960s, architecture, Books, Illustration, industrial-design, Mid-century, modern, USA
06.28.10 in Off Our Bookshelves by Dave
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