Mark Weaver
I’ve always been impressed with Mark Weaver’s continuously fantastic collage series Make Something Cool Every Day. Firstly, making something like this every day is a great project — I love when designers make their personal work public. Secondly, these collages are an interesting mishmash of styles and images. Mark has a keen sense of knowing what types of images work well together.
I especially like the combination of geographic landscapes, modernist architecture, and scientific and found photography. Bringing all of the elements together with a single name/title is an interesting way of incorporating type, and helps give the work a concept or direction.
You can browse more of Mark’s work on his site, and you can see more from Make Something Cool Every Day on Flickr. Some of his work is available to purchase from his store.
Also worth checking: Ken Leung Interview.
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Tagscontemporary, Designers, graphic-design, Typography, USA
11.12.09 in Found design by Ethan
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