Four Bold Types to Build Dense Word Images + Doodle Socking!
Four bold types to build dense word images c. early 60s?
Beautiful type specimen booklet produced by Typefoundry Amsterdam and imported by Amsterdam Continental. Includes samples of Egyptian Bold Extended, Annonce Grotesque, Egyptian Bold Condensed and Old Gothic Bold Italic.
From the intro of the Booklet:
In this specimen booklet, we have grouped four bold, decisive display type faces. Based on design modes which became classics of the midnineteenth century style, they have in common the power to create a dense , highly integrated word image, with the effect of a broad band or ribbon. A wide diversity is offered within this overall unity of effect: Egyptian and Gothic, roman and italic, condensed and extended. Where strong impact is required, these faces achieve dramatic solutions. They create an advanced, modern accent when maxium contrast with the even tone of text material is the designer’s aim.
Who writes this stuff? This is great. He fishes on weekends and for everyday pleasure he uses hunting. Killing furry meat in the week and doodle socking on the weekend.. nice!
*Note-I googled fishing slang. I’m not actually this cool.
Ring telephone company..clever.
Also worth checking: Vette Annonce
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Tags1960s, dutch, fonts, netherlands, rare, type-specimens, Typography, vintage
04.02.09 in Off Our Bookshelves by Dave
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