Amber Asay

amber asay

Meet Amber Asay, an up and coming BYU graduate whose designs consist of a combination of clean illustrations and elegant typography. Although her portfolio consists primarily of student work, Asay is currently working in Orlando, Florida as an intern with the Disney Design Group, and will undoubtedly continue to produce intriguing designs.

amber asay

Asay’s redesign of the Voyager Shop in San Francisco was inspired by the shop’s collection, which features unique items from all over the world. The organic palette accurately reflects the spirit of San Francisco, while the vintage maps play off the shop’s name. The logo was crafted with the inspiration of infinite quality.

amber asay

amber asay

In another rebranding endeavor, Asay conquers Muse, an Italian fashion art magazine. Drawing inspiration from the Greek mythology stating a muse as a goddess, Amber plays off the curves of the typographic logo in a parallel with femininity.

Check out Amber’s other works on her websiteblog, and Twitter.


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