We Are The Friction
This second edition of Sing Statistics, “We Are the Friction” looks to be quite spectacular. I really, really can’t wait to get my hands on it.
Way back when, for the first issue of Sing Statistics, it was just Jez and Lizzy. Now they’ve taken their short fiction meets illustration to the next level, pairing 24 short stories with 24 illustrations. Illustration by some of our favorites: Frank Chimero, Andrew Holder, Lizzy Stewart, Verity Keniger, and Charlie Duck, among many others. Fiction by some other favorites: Jez Burrows, Caren Beilin, Carey Mercer, and Sean Michaels, also among many others.
Check out all of the artwork for the book in this Flickr set. And more behind the scenes photos here.
Also worth checking: Sing Statistics.
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Tagscontemporary, Designers, graphic-design, Illustration, Typography
08.14.09 in Found design by Ethan
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