Album covers from the merchant of grooves
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grain edit is proud to announce for your viewing pleasure the second installment in our ongoing record gallery series.
One of the first people I met when I moved to California was Chris Veltri. Chris aka “Cool Chris” owns the world renowned Groove Merchant record store which has become a haven for those looking for obscure jazz, soul, funk and latin records. Chris is one of the nicest guys you’ll ever meet and his knowledge of music is bordering on insane. I couldn’t begin to count the amount of amazing albums he has exposed me to.
On one of my trips to Chris’s house I had a chance to take a few photos of his personal record collection. I only had time to go through a small portion of his collection, so here are a few of the choice album covers.
*Note – sorry for the poor image quality on some of the photos. I was having an issue with my camera.
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07.23.08 | Dave | studio visits | 8 comments