Ryohei Kojima

Ryohei Kojima

I am excited by my recent discovery of award-winning Japanese designer, Ryohei Kojima. Ryohei worked at Light Publicity Ltd,  Japan’s first creative agency, for many years before opening his own studio in 1975. Like Charles Harper, he was a master at crafting beautiful imagery by deconstructing his subjects down to their simplest forms.

Ryohei Kojima


Ryohei Kojima

Subways in Tokyo/1972

Ryohei Kojima

Saving the World’s Birds/1986

Ryohei Kojima

(L) Design News/1982 (R) Design News/1988

Ryohei Kojima

(L) AJOC/1977 (R) Design Promotion in Japan/1983


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Japanese Graphic Design in the 1950s
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