Wim Crouwel: A Graphic Odyssey

wim crouwel

If you’re unable to visit the Wim Crouwel retrospective at London’s Design Museum, you can still pick up the exhibition catalog. Designed and published by Unit Editions the catalog contains Crouwel’s posters, documents, manuals – even his stamps and personal photographs –  presented in the raw, bare-concrete setting of the Crouwel archive. Also included is an interview with Wim conducted by Tony Brook, the exhibition’s curator and the book’s co-editor.

Available now at Unit Editions.

wim crouwel

wim crouwel

152 x 230mm
144 pages
Paperback (3 different covers)
ISBN 978-0-9562071-3-5
Editors: Tony Brook & Adrian Shaughnessy

(Via Aisle One)

Also worth viewing:
Total Design and its pioneering role in graphic design
Wim Crouwel Archive
6th Biennale of Graphic Design

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