Lubalin Now Exhibition at the Cooper Union
I visited New York last week, just in time to attend the opening reception of the Lubalin Now exhibition at the Cooper Union.
The place was incredibly packed with ladies and gents in polychromatic garb, chatting about type with a nice drink in their hand. It was interesting to see the work of contemporary designers, such as Jessica Hische, Brett Macfadden, Justin Thomas Kay, Deanne Cheuk, and HunterGatherer, juxtaposed against Lubalin’s original works.
If you’re in or around New York anytime soon, I highly recommend checking out the exhibit.
Exhibition On View
November 5, 2009 – December 8, 2009
The Cooper Union
41 Cooper Square Gallery [ MAP ]
This event is free and open to the public.
Also worth checking: Herb Lubalin Archives.
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TagsEvents, Typography, USA
11.11.09 in Events by Grace Danico
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